
Grill Service - $75

Grill Service + Cleaning - $175

Grill Setup - $150

Ceramic Cookers

With over 12 years of experience setting up, servicing, and cleaning gas grills, we specialize in providing top-tier care to ensure your grill remains in peak condition. As a certified Weber technician, we predominantly service Weber grills, but our knowledge and expertise also includes most gas grill models.

Gas Grills

Charcoal more your style? We provide cleaning and maintenance services for your Big Green Eggs, Kamado Joe, and many other ceramic cookers. Ask about our vacuum cleaning!

When it comes to pricing, transparency and fairness are our guiding principles. While we offer a general pricing model for our gas grill servicing and cleaning, we understand that each client's needs may vary. Therefore, we provide personalized quotes to all our clients before any servicing begins. This ensures that you have a clear understanding of the costs involved and can proceed with confidence, knowing that there will be no surprises along the way.